Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Restarting the posts.

I haven't kept up with this blog for a long time and I am sorry. I'm always jumping into new projects and interesting things that it's hard to stick with something for a long time. It's one of my problems and it definitely shows in the blog.

Some things I want to address though:

To Marshall:

I'm truly sorry for the late reply.

I really didn't know that my blog, which I started out because I felt like I was so alone, would actually be read by other people and even more would affect them. Honestly, I thought that this was going to be a sort of online journal that I'd keep to myself that I would perhaps show the person I'll love eventually or keep it as an embarrassing secret.

Unfortunately, I still haven't found the right one yet but I will endure and start the posts once again. There are some new developments that I would like to write on.

I'm really thankful for your reply and I will start it up again

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